Diversity & Equity Statement
- Your United Way of Guernsey, Monroe, and Noble Counties is committed to directing programming and funding to support outreach to the most urgent needs in our communities. We are dedicated to work that builds strength, hope, and opportunity for all.
- We fund services available to any person of any age, ability, culture, or walk of life, targeting assistance to the most vulnerable, at-risk populations.
- We strive to cultivate trust and resources in areas of extreme poverty, with strategic efforts to identify and remove any bias, or barrier to resources for those in need.
- Our leaders and volunteers reject discrimination in all its forms and embrace the diversity present in the beautiful mosaic of human existence with value for every individual life.
Mission & Policy Statement
- Our Mission is to improve the community by enhancing the lives of our residents in the areas of education, health, and financial stability. We cultivate and distribute resources to qualified partners that align with our impact areas, and we develop programs where needs persist.
- We are committed to serving those in need with mutual respect, kindness, safety, and dignity. To this end, United Way of Guernsey, Monroe, and Noble Counties requires all member agencies to have policies in compliance with the anti-terrorism and non-discrimination requirements of the USA Patriot Act and US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines.
- As a condition of United Way funding, these policies must be on file in our office by January 1st of the award year with any future policy updates supplied to United Way within 30 days of implementation.
- Our employees, volunteers, and board members are required to adhere to all agency policies including those related to anti-terrorism, non-discrimination, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, harassment, equity, and inclusion.
Grievance Procedure
Perceived violations of any policy should be reported, in writing, to the United Way Executive Director and Board President for prompt investigation at PO Box 5, Cambridge, OH 43725 or co-directors@unitedwayohio.org
We urge you to contact us immediately with any questions or to report any barrier or bias that is negatively impacting access to our programming or the services we fund. Concerns will be promptly reviewed by the Board of Directors.